NuFlow Products, Inc. was founded by Anthony Walker based on his years of experience and expertise as an oral surgery assistant. His role was to ensure the safety and airway clearance of the patient as the doctor performed the various oral surgeries. His role was to ensure all fluids were vacuumed out and the patient had a clear airway. As Anthony gained experience and archived the various issues during procedures that were caused by the old gauze, throat pack and suction method, he devised a simple, yet ingenious way to not only uncomplicate the process, but to make it much safer for the patient, while providing increase visibility for the performing surgeon. Not only did Anthony see dramatic results in these areas, but also saw significant benefits in other areas, such as decreased time under anesthesia and therefore shortened surgeries. Any decrease in time under anesthesia is a tremendous safety advantage. Surgeons did not have to spend as much time waiting on changing of the gauze pack and continual stoppages for suctioning, but found they had much better visibility with the NuFlow device due to the placement of the device as opposed to gauze packs.

This simple yet revolutionary device is now available. NuFlow is continually investing in R&D and has upcoming models available that will further enhance surgeon safety, time savings, and visibility. We are continuously looking at the issues facing Oral and ENT professionals and devising ways to improve our device. Issues such as visibility, airflow, smoke from cauterization, ignition due to oxygen and heat sources, and fluid safety are constantly monitored and improved upon.

NuFlow Products, Inc. is based in San Diego, CA in one of the major hubs of lifesciences and is led by a strong & experienced management team. NuFlow is patent pending and a registered trademark.