About NuFlow Products Inc.
NuFlow Products, Inc. is Revolutionizing Fluid Extraction for Oral and ENT surgical procedures. Nuflow’s product design is a leap forward in an area that has been static for decades. Namely, saliva, blood and other fluid evacuation during surgeries. The challenges facing the surgeon are many and are cause for concern in the areas of safety, visibility, and time under anesthesia. Our device, simple yet highly effective, brings fluid extraction into the 21st century and allows the focus to be on the surgery, not on fluid extraction.
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“I think it would be an asset to any physician who does IV sedation and oral or implant surgery. It simply is the most current and innovative design for maintaining oral fluid control during these surgical procedures.”
Richard Casteen DDS, FAAID
“The NuFlow system removes the risk of aspiration, prevents fluid or debris from being ingested by the patient and reduces the overall time under anesthesia.”
NuFlow Products inc.
“I have been using both the adult and pediatric NuFlow products for about 2 years. As a dental anesthesiologist working with children and adult implant cases, it has been much better than anything else I have used so far. It’s especially beneficial for the open airway general anesthesia cases and allows full suction of blood and irrigation effortlessly, while freeing up the assistant and speeding up the cases for the day. I would certainly recommend this product.”
Dr. Neal JohnsonDDS, PhD, MBA
“The NuFlow throat pack is simple but revolutionary. The ease of use make for a smooth transition for both surgeon and staff. The device provides constant suction and a foam seal, preventing aspiration of blood and tooth pieces that contribute to post-operative complications. The O2 saturation remains stable and the surgical field remains clean, allowing for uninterrupted procedures. This decreases the chair time, thereby reducing the patients time under sedation, and increasing production potential. With the bleeding under control, the assistant can handle more technical tasks and improve the overall efficiency of the surgery. The increased patient safety is justification enough, but the improved visibility and ease of use allow the doctor to perform surgeries more smoothly and confidently. The NuFlow throat pack has become an integral component to our sedation procedures.”
Dr. Jeffrey Kimura
Chairman, President
Our founder, Anthony Walker, an experienced surgery assistant, wanted a safer, more comfortable, more effective way to extract fluids during surgery.
Extensive experience in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery settings. It was his vision through hundreds of surgeries that produced NuFlow and improved upon decades old technology to significantly improve safety and comfort of the patient while saving an average of 15 minutes per surgery for surgeons.
NuFlow OFE System
Safe, comfortable and more efficient, the NuFlow fluid extraction system improves the surgical experience for the patient and the doctor.
A Safer Alternative
Our non-invasive solution can make the traditional cotton throat pack obsolete and revolutionize the oral surgery process.
Saves Time Under Anesthesia
The NuFlow OFE system removes the risk of aspiration, prevents fluid or debris from being ingested by the patient and can reduce the overall time under anesthesia.